Visitor Management Software


Visitor and Staff Management Software

Replace the manual visitor book with a legible and professional visitor & Staff pass solution

Creating a lasting first impression with your clients is one of best things that work for long-term relationship with clients. So you might find something we have to offer you very fascinating.

Our visitor book software for creating visitor passes and replacing the manual visitor book will leave a great first impression while greatly improving the health and safety of your staff and clients.

The VSMS Management software is designed for managing single or multiple office buildings and scanning the booking schedules of different clients and staff members comes in very handy for larger administrative groups.

The VSMS Visitor & Staff Management software designed by RL Solution can help in bringing you closer your clients while taking care of their Health & Safety.

Professional Image

Our visitor management suitecreates a professional looking visitor pass within seconds.This barcoded badge with yourcompany logo presents a greatimpression to your visitors andguests. Included is the ability topresent an audible welcomeand goodbye message to yourvisitors. The software can beconfigured to work in astandalone environment wherevisitors can be pre booked orself check in.

Improved Health and Safety

The VSMS solution links visitorswith staff members and allowsinstant access to keyinformation relating to the visit.In the event of a fire a simplefire report details all of thecurrently onsite staff andvisitors with key informationassisting accurately with the fireregister.An optional SMS module cansend a preformatted SMSmessage to everyone in thebuilding alerting them to thealarm and exit procedures.

Manage Multiple Locations

Do you have multiple buildings and want to account for who is in which building? The networked version of VSMS can handle multiple buildings and when a visitor or staff member scans in one area / building they are automatically booked out from other areas. This functionality provides an easy answer to who is where.

See VSMS in action

Book In a New Visitor

The easy to use VSMS solution makes booking in a new visitor quick and easy as detailed in this video.

Book In a Returning Visitor

Once a visitors details have been captured the next time the visitor arrives the booking in process is even faster as illustrated in this video

Easy Book In & Out

See just how simple the solution manages the booking in and out of both staff and visitors with a simple swipe of the printed badge. At the same time your reception staff will see on their screen all of the contact detail of the staff or visitor for easy greeting. This will include a photo if taken.

Fast Legible Pass Printing

The VSMS Vistor Pass printer creates a professional looking pass with legible details of the visitor or staff member while producing a custom health and safety message for the rear of the pass. The health and safety message will be customised to suit your business and procedures.

Call us now 01375 376 065